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Working in helping roles throughout my life, I've often witnessed others who are nearing burnout.  I come in contact with people who have raised children for years and are entering a new season; people who "used to create, paint, play music, write, explore," but don't have time anymore or forgot how.


I also talk with people who want a fresh perspective this season of life; who are managing chronic pain or grief or a new diagnosis; and those who are buried day after day in high levels of stress. 


I don't know about you, but I want to be able to live a life of passion all my years--and to sustain, to not burn out or have the creative life force in me pushed into a locked corner closet.  I want to support other people in living life fully alive. This is my heart behind the workshops that I offer. I hope you'll consider joining!

north shore


Process arts involve a somatic way of being with your creative process and your life that encourages intuitive intelligence, abundant presence,

emotional awareness and courage.  


You can expect:

Play, group interaction, strengthened intuition, experimentation, new discoveries and break-throughs in stagnant corners, and art that is alive and connected to your story.​


The techniques shine a light on:

How you engage with your life your relationships, parenting, health challenges, or even athletic endeavors.​


Insights about how to move through stuck places


Our art as a reflecting mirror of:

Our fears, strengths, desires, joy, and all other emotions and even sensations in the body. 


The art making is often on one canvas or surface of your choice throughout the class; other times on a couple surfaces, in an art journal, mask, collage or other art form.  Each piece of art is directly related to the creator's own life with the focus being a mindful and engaged interaction with the art process.  Process arts access the intuitive, body based intelligence that we all have, offering profound and personal wisdoms.


Past Process Art Workshops

Intuitive Collage

Personal Journal Making

Art Journaling for Stress Resiliency

101 Liquid Watercolor Wanderings

Spontaneous Process Painting 

Process Painting for Professionals

Cultivating a Creative Practice through Art Journaling

Transforming Vicarious Trauma through Yoga and Art

Drawing into Nature's Artistic Eye

Liquid Water-Color with a Book-Making Twist

Painting Seasons: A Process Art Approach

A participant's words...


"The encouragement to inquire when resistance arrived, to connect to my body, and then to break a rule when a block appeared was very freeing. Process orientation helped me approach my canvas bit by bit without worrying about the end/big picture."

News and mind-musings here!
​For inspirations, reflections, resources, art and upcoming events for the soul.

© 2016 by Bevie LaBrie

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